Explaining things like global warming and the environment to kids can be a little complicated. It’s easy to read from the textbook, but sometimes these concepts are too complex to describe in words. This is why I love books so much! They provide great pictures and stories to help make these complicated topics a little more manageable! If you’re celebrating Earth Day or just looking to make environmental science more fun in the classroom, these books will surely help! Plus, these make learning about the environment a little easier. Here are 20 children’s books about the environment that your kids will enjoy reading and listening to.
20 Great Children’s Books about the Environment
Traditional Dr Seuss tale showing what happens when greed takes over and the devastating environmental impact of selfishness.
One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling Women of the Gambia
Inspirational true story of how one African woman began a movement to recycle the plastic bags that were polluting her community.
Not for me, please!: I choose to act green
A great way to introduce children to the concept of reduce, reuse, recycle told through the eyes of a young boy.
Beautiful book about a selection of endangered animals and what we can do to save them.
Kid’s Guide to Helping the Planet
An easy read, full of ideas for how we can help the planet.
Beautiful book about deforestation in Africa.
This lovely rhyming story follows the seasons giving something to enjoy and appreciate all year round.
Interactive children’s book about plastic use, recycling and reducing waste.
A Kid’s Guide to Climate Change and Global Warming
Great book for helping children understand the effects of climate change.
Saving Tally: An Adventure into the Great Pacific Plastic Patch
Beautiful book about plastic pollution and the effect on the oceans.
This is a great book for preschoolers full of fun facts and information about planet Earth!
Lovely book about the importance of protecting water.
Gorgeous book showing how we can work together to save the Earth!
Earth! My First 4.54 Billion Years
Hilarious book, full of child friendly planet facts!

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