As a parent, it’s crucial to recognize that neglecting your own needs while caring for your immediate family and friends is a common but potentially harmful practice. While it’s natural to prioritise those around you, failing to give yourself the same care and attention can lead to struggles and burnout. This is why self-care, often overlooked, is a vital aspect of parenting that deserves your attention.
Self-care is not a luxury but a necessity, especially for parents who are navigating the demanding early baby days or juggling the energy of toddlers and older children. It’s not always easy to find time for yourself, and it’s important to acknowledge these challenges. However, by making self-care a priority and finding creative ways to incorporate it into your daily routine, you can reap the benefits and be a happier, more fulfilled parent.
Parenting is a journey filled with joys and challenges. But it’s also crucial to acknowledge the occasional thorns and difficulties. However, understanding the value of self-care can provide you with the strength and clarity to overcome these challenges and continue to be a dedicated parent. Prioritising self-care is not a sacrifice but a way to ensure you can continue to be the best parent you can be while also nurturing your own well-being.
So, what can you do to ensure you pencil yourself into your busy schedule so you get the TLC you need and deserve as a parent?
Identify Time Pockets
Not every parent is lucky enough to be able to take a day off to do something they really want to. If you are amazing, grab these opportunities with both hands; if not, then you need to look at little pockets of time you can utilise throughout the day.
Take a moment to step back from your day, observe your schedule, and identify any instances when you can fit in self-care or create a bit of time for yourself, even if it’s just 15 minutes. This simple act of planning can empower you to find time for yourself amidst your busy parenting responsibilities.
Find Your Activity
Self-care means different things to different people, and once you know what time you have to indulge yourself, you can identify what can fit into your specific care plan to help you relax and recharge.
Remember, the activity you choose should allow you to step away from your responsibilities, even if only for a short time, and engage in something that brings you joy and rejuvenates your spirit. It could be as simple as taking a walk in nature, practising yoga, or indulging in a hobby like painting or gardening, or you can indulge in a daily crossword or other game that helps you escape real life for a little while. The key is to know what you want to do and how it can fit into your available time and budget.
Ask For Help
If you’re struggling to find time or help for your self-care sessions, then reach out and ask for help. Talk to your spouse or partner if you have one about your need for some time; talk to family members and friends to see if they can offer help or practical solutions that allow you to get what you need without compromising your self-care or family priorities. It might be they pick the kids up from school so you can spend longer out shopping or taking in a movie or nice meal, or you might find an offer of overnight babysitting, giving you additional freedom for more extensive plans or a good night’s sleep, or you might find they know of something that works for you in the house so you get the best of both worlds.
Many times, it can be easy to sacrifice what you need because things crop up or derail your plans. Such is life, sadly; however, in the absence of a real emergency, you need to be able to commit to your plans. Schedule it into your day like you would add in an appointment or meeting. Treat it as a non-negotiable, and don’t give yourself any excuses to back out or change your mind. Even if it’s reading that last chapter of the book, you really want to finish it instead of washing the dishes or binging the latest season of Bridgerton instead of cleaning or going out for a meal instead of ordering takeout. Commit and follow through; it’ll do you the world of good!
Finding time for self-care as a parent isn’t always easy, but neglecting yourself isn’t ideal and can be detrimental to your mental and physical health and the support you can offer your family when they need you.
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