Back when I just had one child at school, I was organised Mum, spellings were meticulously learned, homework finished early and I was generally on top of everything I needed to be and fully able to spend the time needed helping my son at home. Fast forward 3 years and the story is a bit different, not because I want to help any less, just because I have less time. Spelling sheets get put in a pile for ‘later’ or even worse lost and ‘later’ never comes. Three lots of letters and homework isn’t easy to manage, especially when you work and have extra curricular activities most nights. I am lucky in that my eldest doesn’t need much input from me apart from actually making him sit down to do the work, and my daughters are so keen and eager that they will happily sit and write or do an occasional worksheet. However, I do feel a bit of a failure at times, as I would like to do more at home, but equally want my children to have some downtime, with that in mind I am always on the look out for fun ways for the children to learn that require minimal input from me, allowing me to spend time with another child who might need my attention more.
I recently came across Education Quizzes and am already finding it incredibly useful for many reasons.
Why my children like Education Quizzes
They get to use the computer.
They like the satisfaction of getting questions right and trying to improve on their previous score.
The competitive side of a quiz really appeals to my children and encourages them to keep trying.
The quizzes are short, allowing them to complete a couple even when we only have a small amount of time available.
There are SO many quizzes on such a variety of topics that they don’t get bored.
Why I like Education Quizzes
The children can see if they answered correctly or incorrectly immediately and the correct answer given and explained if they are wrong.
The quizzes support the National Curriculum.
I can select quizzes based on what the children have been learning in school that week, or to reinforce areas they find difficult. I can also choose harder quizzes to stretch and challenge.
Priced at just £7.50 a month, the quizzes are great value and because they are written by teachers, I know they are of a high standard.
The quizzes cover core subjects of English, Maths and Science in great depth at all levels – KS1, KS2, KS3, GCSE and 11-Plus, which is great for my children who are different ages.
I can get involved and join the fun while also learning or encourage independent working.
Read about the benefits to schools from Education Quizzes here.
In association with Education Quizzes
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