It’s that time of year when I desperately want to go on a holiday. So many of my friends are off sunning themselves in exciting places this half term and I’m not ashamed to admit that I am most definitely very jealous. I looked at flights for a quick getaway, but everywhere is just so expensive in half term last minute. I will just have to plan better for next October!
I thought I would relish the cooler autumn weather, but having cold toes of an evening has made me long for the warm summer days again and start to dream of a summer holiday. We always choose an active holiday as the kids are so busy all year round that they struggle to sit around and do nothing, and I’m not the type of person who can spend a day on the beach. Holidays with water sports are ideal. I love to paddleboard and kayak and Zak and Rob love to sail. The thought of Zak being alone in a sailing boat slightly terrifies me, but he loves it and in the right location it can be very safe. He has his level 3 sailing qualification and in resorts like Mark Warner there are always life guards and patrol boats around keeping everyone safe. Mark Warner have free sailing tuition as well as the RYA courses which have an extra charge, find out more at
We do keep thinking about skiing too, it’s been a couple of years since we’ve been, but I’m a bit nervous about taking a little one, especially as my own snowboard skills are very rusty. I’m sure after a week at least two of my children would be much better than me. As much as I love to snowboard I lost a lot of confidence in the 10 year ski holiday gap we had when the kids were little.
Our term time tends to be completely crazy busy, with endless gymnastics and swim squad runs so it’s brilliant on holiday to to do a sporty activity together. I tried gymnastics in the garden with my daughters and hurt for 3 days after trying a cartwheel so that’s not an option, but a lovely paddle board or kayaking session is just a perfect way to spend time together again. It’s also lovely for me to be able to teach my children a sporty skill as generally they are far better than me at most sporting activities. I once tried to learn to sail, but I just couldn’t get my head around it, but I am determined that one day when the girls are a bit older we will learn together.
On our last holiday, Hannah ( age 8 ) was desperate to try wake boarding, but on the day we had free it was too windy, so we have promised her she can give it a go next summer as she was so disappointed. She’s so brave. I am definitely more a fan of the tamer watersports and don’t really fancy trying anything powered! I’m pretty sure I would end up in the water quite quickly.
If you’re dreaming a sailing holiday in the sun either now or next summer, do take a look at Mark Warner. I’ll be checking the website out tonight too!
Thanks to Mark Warner for keeping me informed of all their upcoming holidays
Love Sailing!!
Always looking for place to relax and practice water sports like snorkelling, kayaking, surfing….etc