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A home cinema experience is much easier these days. Whether alone or with a special someone at a family gathering, there are a few ways you can make it something to remember. From the right streaming services to the different ways to watch, here are some suggestions.
Master the Correct Lighting Levels
Lighting is everything when it comes to the quality of the experience. Obviously, you need complete darkness if you want an authentic projector and screen experience. Fortunately, you can black out the sun with light-blocking blinds. Or even invest in better windows! Bi folding sliding glass doors from Sun Seeker include shading options such as built-in blinds, tinted glass and anti-glare features! LED lighting behind the TV can also enhance the experience.
Check Out the Streaming Options
There are so many streaming options these days it can be hard to choose what to pay for. If you want the best choice possible, it will cost you! However, the beauty of streaming services is that there are no contractual obligations. You can even take advantage of free trials to watch a new movie and then cancel with no penalty! If you want a comprehensive list of movies, Amazon is by far the best option, with tons of very cheap (even new) movies for Amazon Prime members.
Snacks and Drinks for a Home Cinema Experience
Movie tickets are one thing. But if there’s something we all wince at when going to the cinema, it’s the cost of food, drinks and snacks. The markup is unbelievable. Which is why we all sneak our own. You know you’ve done it! Back to reality, though, the average cost of a large popcorn alone at the cinema is about £5.15. Popcorn is available from the store at a tiny fraction. For a great home experience, fresh popcorn, a SodaStream, and fresh hotdogs make it special.
Choose Your Medium Wisely
One of the most essential decisions when making your movie viewing special is the medium you use. HD home projectors and screens are very affordable these days. But 4K devices are still at a premium. Of course, most of us have a great TV and you can get excellent deals on Prime Day and Black Friday if you are looking to upgrade. Now the issue is that you probably use the wrong settings! Play around and fine tune your TV settings for the best audio and visual quality.
Invest in Some Comfy Seating
No one wants to sit through the latest superhero movie that’s on for way too long being uncomfortable. As a family, everyone has their favourite spot in the living room. But there are some things that can elevate a home cinema experience. One of the most powerful is the seating. If you are creating a cinema room or want to upgrade the lounge, comfy seating is essential. Lazy Boy style chairs that can recline and have padded cushions are recommended.
Getting the lighting right and blocking the sun are essential for a great home cinema experience. Drinks and snacks such as popcorn are, of course, vital. Comfy seating will also make it better.
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