Looking back I was hugely lucky with all three of my pregnancies. I was well throughout all off them, except for bouts of dizziness and low blood pressure. I didn’t experience any morning sickness whatsoever. In fact I had so few symptoms with Z, that I kept rushing to the doctor thinking something was wrong. I would wake up each morning willing myself to feel sick so I’d know that my hormones were doing something…it seems silly now, but it took us so long to get pregnant with Z in the first place that I couldn’t quite believe it was going to stick.
I did have my fair share of worries each time. Little S and H measured small throughout and required extra scans. I even paid for a couple of private scans with H, as at 20 weeks the sonographer had her head measuring on the 3rd percentile. He didn’t seem hugely worried, but I was a bit freaked out, so paid for a private scan at 26 weeks pregnant, where H’s head measured much more in line with the rest of her. When she was born she was perfectly in proportion
I did have to finish work a little early with H, but I think that was mostly down to also having 2 other children to take care of. When I was pregnant with Z, I would spend peaceful afternoons sat in our upstairs room which was to be his nursery, reading book after book. It was so quiet and easy, very different to the following two pregnancies. The only time I have read a book since then was on holiday two years ago. Life has definitely changed.
When H was born I had three children under three and a half, we definitely live in a mad house, but its lots of fun as well!
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Sounds like you were lucky in all of your pregnancies. I have recently been getting that dizziness and the odd racing heart beat, but all in all I have been quite lucky in both with only a week or so of nausea. Worse with Mads than this time. x