Today we returned from our first holiday abroad as a family of 5. We went to a lovely campsite in Northern France where we stayed in a Thomson Al Fresco mobile home, and it was brilliant! We went with friends and spent evenings drinking beer and wine on the deck while the kiddies slept inside, I read my first book in 3 years and most importantly the kids had an amazing time.
I’ll admit that there was a moment in the middle where I thought ‘ I need to be back home now’, just because three small, demanding children in a small space felt a little overwhelming, but we soon settled into it and found a pattern to the day that worked for us all.
S and Z played tennis, went out on a canoe, did lots of swimming and even went to EuroDisney, they did not want to come home.
I learned a lot about travelling with children:
- Load the ipod with a variety of music, if the only children’s songs you have are ‘The Time Warp’ and ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ it makes for a very long journey!
- Do not feed the baby a bottle of milk and then go on a ferry in rough looking sea. Then definitely do not give the baby, big brother’s monkey to play with when she is looking a little green.
- Ferries are not smooth…..
- Sit Z and S on opposite sides of the car, to avoid hitting, biting and food stealing incidents.
- Sat Nav is not always right. This makes husbands grumpy!
- Children are scared of really heavy rain.
- Take ear phones, so when there are 3 children crying in the back of the car, you can take yourself off to a happy place.
- Never ever believe little S when she says ‘Im am sure I don’t need a wee’ – applies to non holiday situation also.
- Always have enough seats in pushchairs for all the children, never assume one will walk.
- Children do not understand the concept of a queue.
Although the very best thing was all the little smily faces!
What did you read? Was it good?
Sounds like you had a fab time, did they adore Disney?
I read ‘Madness’ by Marya Hornbacher, it was good. Made me feel sane! x
glad you had a good time, I hate doing the packing but it makes it all worthwhile when you get there & can chill a little bit
Yes definately! I have done 5 loads of washing since we got back though! x
Great tips, I’m hoping to take our 2 boys to Disney Paris at some point too.
I’m newish to blogging would love if you could take a peek at
Sure, I will check it out now! x
It sounds lovely, I like the top tips of travelling with 3 children, I might need them one day!
You planning number 3 already? 🙂
Sounds like you had a fab time! and yes i agree sat navs do make husbands v v grumpy 🙂
Glad its not just mine!
Sounds like you had a fab time despite the incidents involving wee, poo, sick, tears, biting and food stealing!!! I never travelled abroad when my 2 were little and sometimes I definitely regret it! 🙂
We didn’t go far, as I was quite scared, but it was a great firstt try..
Love the tips! Off on holiday ourselves tomorrow and am dreading the long drive with toddler and baby. The needing a wee tip made me chuckle – VERY familiar!!
oooh, have a brilliant time! x
Oh that is just brilliant! Your list made me laugh out loud, especially the I don’t need a wee one! I shall take these on board when we go on our trip soon. x
Ha ha, thank you! x
So glad you had a good time, it sounds like a fantastic time was had by all, and I especially like the “I got to read a book” part! Emma xx
I meant to write lots of blog posts, but the book was more relaxing!
Welcome back! Funny “Madness” made you sane. Well, I haven’t read it. But the title would imply you are referring to some degree of relativity! x
Thank you! I’m sure Fancy would never stay in a mobile home 🙂 I’d recommend the book though. x