This afternoon in the park I took a trip with the girls to Neverland. We rode on a big pirate ship, sprinkled ourselves with pixie dust and flew to Never Cave where we collected treasure of pine cones and sticks. They made me smile, a big ear to ear smile, my two wonderful, funny, imaginative little girls. Almost the same height now, they could practically pass as twins. Bestest friends, peas in a pod.
Once we returned back to real life we picked up Z who was cycling around the park and went in search of blackberries. I love Blackberries, its just such a shame you have to fight through the prickles before getting to the fruit. It got me thinking
I could sit here and write about the amazing summer we’ve had, spending time together, playing tennis and football in the garden, lazy afternoons by the paddling pool, playing games, reading books, writing stories and fun day trips. If you just looked at the photos you’d think we’d had an idyilic summer, and in some ways we have, but it’s also been hard.
As much as I love playing Monopoly with Z, it’s a flipping long game to play while simultanously doing a jigsaw, drawing or generally refereeing between the girls. Balancing the different needs of three children combined with endless requests for snacks almost pushed me over the edge, but we made it, and the great days by far outweighed the less good. I think sometimes my expectations are too high, and you have to have the odd grumpy day as well as the smiley, happy days.
I’m not sure how I feel about the return to school, in some ways it’s nice to get some routine back, and Z seems very happy to be back with his friends, but at the same time I miss the ease of long summer days.
How was summer for you?
Oh Emma, that’s such an honest post. It encapsulates exactly how I feel about our holidays, such mixed emotions. Amongst the endless (and very lovely) posts about idyllic summmer scenes, this strikes me as a much more real post.
Awww thanks Helen. x
Helen has put it perfectly.
Loved the summer, and it was so full and busy. The sun was kind to us. But there was no time for me, and my work, and I’m glad to return to a bit of peace – although the parties/afterschool clubs and things to remember are a bit full on.
I’m defnitely with you there! All the school stuff is crazy!
We had a lovely summer, but I am still exhausted from it! 😀 Lovely post Emma, very honest too! 🙂 x
Thanks Emma x
Summer holidays sounds absolutely exhausting. I admire you for playing monopoly so long. I’d be stealing from the bank by the end! 🙂
I do buy everything in sight to lose fastest. x
I was only thinking that both mine will be back at school tomorrow and it’s difficult to know whether to laugh or cry! It’s been lovely to have them at home, but hard too 🙂
Great post, completely agree its hard juggling it all almost feels like an accomplishment to get through it!
I wish I was young again and could enjoy summers like this
Great, honest post. My summer was pretty much the same – except I only have one to manage.
The first summer holiday I’ve experienced (she only started school last year) and also the first time I’ve been (trying) to work from home, I found it almost impossible.
Maybe we should adopt Mummy Barrow next Summer so she can hang out and do the kids stuff 😉
Summer was lovely laced with moments when all I could hear was sibling bickering. I wasn’t ready for school to start again, Ozzy still seems so small!
The good bits stand out and the grumpier bits fade fast x
Gosh I hate Monopoly, longest game ever and always ends in arguments. Give me prickly bramble bushes any day of the week 😉
Sounds very familiar! We had a great summer and you’ve inspired me to record it on my blog too because although we had some fights and some tears and a few tantrums too thrown into the mix it still was a fabulous summer and next year will already be different.
Gorgeous memories here.
Almost exactly the same; good bits, bad bits, great bits and terrible bits 😉 xx
Glad it’s not just me…most days are a bit like that though. x
What a lovely and honest post. Having been off this Summer, when I’m normally working I loved it and crammed so much in. But it was a one off for me. It isn’t something I could always keep up with though. xx