Z and I have spent 6 hours in A and E at our local Hospital over the last 24 hours. He is now sporting a cast below the knee and has some funky yellow crutches to help him get about.
A and E is a funny old place, at first sight it’s not totally unpleasant, they have a smart new flatscreen TV, pretty, calming pictures projected onto one wall and a good selection of books and toys.
When we first entered the waiting room, sympathetic looks were exchanged between me and the other mums, the children either had a black eye, an arm sling or were missing a shoe. I nervously asked how long everyone had been here. THREE HOURS was the first response, TWO AND A HALF said another. Z just looked at me and asked if we’d been there an hour yet. I sighed and passed the iPad, the battery ran out within 5 seconds, my phone was flashing red and there was no signal. Bob the Builder on repeat quickly became tiresome, and the fish swimming on the wall started to make me feel sick.
Despite the long wait, there was a strange camaraderie between the parents, who admitted to while they hoped nothing was too wrong with their child, after waiting for so long there better be an actual injury. We cheered when the three hour wait went in, and luckily for us things seemed to speed up after that. We were seen within an hour, x-rayed twice and put in plaster within the three hours.
Fingers crossed it comes off soon as the novelty is wearing off already.
Oh dear, hope Z is ok & managing to get around. Typical the ipad ran out. They are life savers in times like this xx
He is surprisingly mobile thanks. xx