It hardly seems possible that little Charlie was 10 weeks old yesterday. I STILL haven’t sent out thank you cards for his lovely gifts, despite getting them printed 6 weeks ago. Life is completely crazy and I am very much looking forward to a little more calm over the summer holidays. They really can’t come soon enough.
Charlie is utterly adorable and his siblings are still completely besotted with him. I love this photo where they are pretending to be asleep with him.
He had a very spotty/rashy/crusty phase which has now calmed down and his skin is so clear, I can’t believe the difference. He smiles and talks as soon as anyone interacts with him, which is the loveliest thing to see.
Big sister number 1 likes to read to him. I remember Spot being Zak’s favourite book, and I think Charlie will be a fan too. He especially likes it when we make a ‘Moo’ noise as we open the cow flap.
We’ve had one night where he slept from about 8 pm till 7 am with a small feed at 11, but mostly he does 12-6am ish with a sleepy feed around 5 am. In the daytime his naps are very hit and miss, they can be 5 minutes or 3 hours, I just never know which its going to be, but he still likes his car seat which is great as it’s never nice to have an upset baby in a car.
Charlie is now 10lb 9oz which seems quite little still, but he seems to be a long, slim baby, so maybe just a different build to his big brother who was much heavier at the same age.
Charlie loves:
People talking and singing to him.
Looking at books.
Sleeping in his Sleepyhead
I love
The way he likes to hold my hand to fall asleep at night.
How he giggles when you blow under his arm.
His beautiful big blue eyes and smily face.
Awww he is just adorable and it looks like you’ve all settling into a lovely routine
We, have, just about. Thank you x
What beautiful photos – congratulations on your lovely family.
Thank you!
Em he is gorgeous!
Thanks lovely 🙂
Baby Charlie is totally adorable!
Lots of lovely memories you are making with him x
Aww super cute post. I am definitely feeling broody!
Awww, thank you 🙂
!0 weeks already, that has gone quick! He is gorgeous and I love the sleepy pictures
Where does the time go?
Awww, he’s completely gorgeous. So broody. I do fall in love a little bit more when you see how tight siblings bonds are. What a wonderful family you’ve grown. x