It feels so strange being sat here in silence…the kids finally got back to school last week. The big ones couldn’t wait to see their friends again and find a bit of routine. Charlie started nursery and was just brilliant and very brave on his first day. Unfortunately he then got a cold bug and so couldn’t go in for the rest of the week. My back to work was short lived!
I feel like Charlie could be missing a lot of nursery this term as he gets used to the usual preschool bugs.

In other news Sydney turned 12 and mostly celebrated by doing homework, Secondary school definitely has it’s drawbacks but so far she is loving the new experience!

We’re hoping for a much better week this week! How has back to school been for you?
It’s a big transition to secondary school. Sounds like it’s going well so far! Hope Charlie will be back in nursery soon
We were back for just two days and then had to self isolate – they’re going back next Monday but that put paid to my child free time!