I’m starting to think I was a little foolish thinking term time would be calmer than Summer? Is that even possible? Admittedly one of my children hasn’t started back yet, but when she does that’ll mean three trips to school a day instead of three, although it’ll be worth it to spend the afternoons with my little H.
We scoot half way to school (I drive the first half ) which means I have to get the kids scooters back to the car after dropping them off, there was one highly embarrassing morning last year when I was whizzing down the hill, feeling quite proud of my scooting skills and then fell over quite spectacularly, skidding along the floor, ripping my tights to shreds and stopping pretty close to a nice lady with a dog. I’ve been more careful since, but it seems you can’t be too careful, as outside school last Friday I managed to trip over the same scooter ( I wasn’t even riding it ) and fall flat on my face. Luckily no one was behind me, and the lady in front was quite understanding as I bounced up pretending I was fine, while struggling to stand straight. Perhaps I’m not safe for scooters? My brand new pair of school run schools ripped my feet to shreds on the first day too, it’s not been the most successful of starts. Although Z and S seem to be doing well. Z is VERY happy his new school have a snack bar and has spent most of the last week plotting how to get more money to take to school. S has already filled her book bag with all kinds of playground delights for me, including chestnut shells, leaves and various craft items. I’m expecting it to get heavier once she finds the conkers and acorns.
How has your first week back been? Do you have a funee to share? We’d love to see them.
Ahhh bless her not a very good start but nevertheless she sounds like she took it in stride. Too funny. Three next year wow that’s some school trips. Don’t they grow up fast too? Thank you so much for hosting lovely.
Gosh, that scooter sounds dangerous! I think as adults we don’t have as much skill as the kids on these things, I’m the same. We’ve had a good first week at preschool – even if he did get a bit conufsed about the snack one day (as in my post) 🙂