Changing fashions and styles are a funny thing aren’t they? I look back at old photos with floral carpet, flowery curtains and even more flowers on the walls, everything clashing and it looks SO old fashioned, yet at the time I’m sure it was all very stylish and completely non headache inducing.
I look at our flatscreen TV now and wonder how it will ever look as aged as the huge boxy TV’s from the Eighties, but I’m sure when televisions are paper thin or holograms projected from a wall, they will look as ancient as their predecessors.
Fashion is the same isn’t it? I remember having a perm, which I thought was the coolest thing ever, but now would be such a strange and old thing for a child to have done. Do you remember crimping your hair? It took forever and I still remember the burning smell, if only heat protectant sprays had been around back then.
I found some old photos of me which actually aren’t too bad considering they are about 35 years old!!
What do you think of the raincoat and hat combo? I don’t think it would look too out of place today, but I’m not so sure about the long socks and school shoes!
How about this pretty Strawberry Print Mac, Butterfly Shoes and My Little Pony socks instead?
I’m not looking too happy to be wearing this beautiful cardigan complete with ear muffling hood, but luckily George at ASDA have a more modern alternative available in the form of a lovely fleece lined cardigan.
Last up is this not too out of place now kilt and white top combo, only let down by the weird Grandad sandals!
I do like these funky Tassel Sandals from George as ASDA as an alternative though.
Do you have any embarrassing photos to share? I remember in my teenage years wearing massively oversized jeans with a Benetton sweatshirts, complete with crazy pre hair straightener hair, I’m sure I looking amazing – NOT!!
In collaboration with George at ASDA
I’ve plenty of embarrassing pics, none I want to share though.
Love the raincoat and matching hat in the first pic
I look at the clothes my mum used to make and see a lot of them come back into fashion. I LOVE traditional style kids clothes.
Awww I love your photos, they’re so adorable! Especially love the rain coat and hat 🙂
I love the raincoat and hat – they should re release that look.
Lovely bits at Asda. I always find something perfect for my little girl every time i shop there x
Aaaw you were adorable 😉
I have plenty of super embarassing photos – I actually had a PERM!
I have so many embarrasing photo’s of me – need to raid the loft to find them
Lovely trip down memory lane for you X
I love looking through old photos and it is always lovely to see how styles have changed over the years, socks and school shoes seemed to be the thing back then as in mine its the same and I seem to wear plimsols a lot. 😉