It’s been a funny couple of weeks, I’m sort of struggling to get my head around the fact it’s nearly the end of the school year and my middle child will be off to Junior school and my baby going into Year 2. Time is a funny thing isn’t it? In some ways September seems like a lifetime ago, but on the other it feels like only five minutes have passed since the first day of the school year. I think I’m starting to feel like I need to do something more for myself too. I attended a fantastic conference last weekend, which was inspiring and amazing, but also made me feel like I hadn’t really achieved much in my almost 37 years…so I am going to change things and have a couple of plans up my sleeve, just need to time to implement them! I am forever feeling like I don’t have enough time, always rushing, always hanging on by a thread, but I’ve also come to realise that that’s just how I work now. I need 5 projects on the go at once, I need to be buzzing with ideas, jumping from one to the next, although a couple of hours to tidy up my house would be nice.
I was just looking through my photos from last week and found these that all made me smile. My little girls are as adorable as they are frustrating, so this moment of calm is a lovely capture of a special moment of little sister reading to a tired big sister.
I dragged the kids out for a walk last weekend and despite the moans I think they had a good time! We split up and met in the middle, H and I were a fair bit slower that the bigger ones though.
I LOVE how serious she looks in this pic, although my arms look about 20 years older than they are!
I am trying to slow time down, to appreciate special moments and find joy in everyday life, so it was lovely be asked to reflect on a few by Cadbury Buttons and Channel Mum. I am forever taking photos and thinking I must write about that, so over summer I’m going to make a special effort to find those captured moments and remember what made them special. Do you have any plans or hopes for the summer?
This year has flown and I can’t believe the summer holidays are almost here -can’t wait though! Beautiful photos of your gorgeous girl! x
Lovely photos of your children – and I agree with you, September will be here before we know it! That’s why this summer our plans are to spend lots of time together as a family and we are going on a fabulous holiday to do just that!!
oh yes I strongly advise you to slow down and enjoy special family time, and record it too, whether by writing or photo’s. Time goes by so quickly and it’s too easy to be busy all the time x
Beautiful photos!
I completely agree, it only seems 5 minutes since my little man joined reception and in only a few short weeks he will be on his Summer Holidays preparing to start Year 1!
It’s frightening just how quickly time goes, my middle child is just finishing Reception and I wonder where that first year of school for him went. My ‘baby’ will start school in September 2017 and I know that will be here before I know it. I think when you become a parent your life revolves around school terms and they just fly by!
My youngest is going up to secondary school soon – I can’t believe it x
You comment about your arms made me chuckle. It is so funny what people notice about themselves that no one else would ever spot! Honestly I would never have thought there was anything remarkable about them!
I swear time goes quicker every year and I cannot believe it is almost July already. We have lost of days out planned for the summer