It is no secret that exercise is the key to solving many health issues, with anything from preventing bone loss, to better sleep and circulation, stronger muscles, weight loss and general longevity being some of the very positive side effects of exercise. But did you know that, if you do not wear the right shoes for your activity of choice, the pain and injury that can follow as a result can cause even more harm that never having exercised at all!
Just picture yourself running. If you do not experience any pain or discomfort, the activity will be both enjoyable and healthy! So how do you steer clear of the unpleasant feedback? By wearing the right shoes, of course.
A shoe is not just a shoe
You may be wondering why you can’t just walk into a shop, pick a pair of shoes, and be on your way. The answer is far more complex than it seems. This is because manufacturers make their shoes with a specific job in mind. Back to the running analogy: if you enjoy running, and have a great pair of shoes that have been specifically designed to keep you performing at your best in your favourite sport, chanciness are you will quite enjoy the feeling of running without pain or hindrance. But imagine having to run your first race in hiking boots. They might be great shoes, from a great brand, with top of the range specs and design, but because they are not made for running, you are likely to have a terrible time trying to run in them.

It’s about more than looks
The worst part about buying the wrong shoes is more than not being able to do what you need to do. The worst of it all is that wearing the wrong shoes can lead to strain, fatifure and injury, while impeding your performance.
Slways go for a shoe that is purpose-designed, with a decent structural design and padding and support that can help you to improve your overall comfort while participating in your favourite activity.
How to differentiate between running and walking shoes
Walking and running is pretty much the same movement, so the same kind of shoe will do for both, right? No! Even if you spot the pair of running shoes to end all others at one of your favourite Nike shoes sales, do not buy them if they don’t tick all the boxes.
There are several distinct aspects that set running apart from from walking, with the main differentiator being the differences in biomechanics between the two respective activities!
When running, different impact zones apply, and the risk of wearing out is far higher in running shoes than with walking shoes. Make sure you pick your shoes’ durability based on what you want them to do!
Of course the bright and shiny pile of Nike shoes for sale are great, and can be successfully purchased without causing any trouble, but only if you wear them for the reason they were created.

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