It’s taken me several weeks to get this post written which is perhaps indicative of my life right now. There is just not enough time! I have all these ideas literally buzzing around my head, bits of paper scattered around the house full of lists with things I want to do, things I need to do and things I’d just really should do but just can’t get my head around. I keep thinking life will calm down, once H starts school, after Christmas, when my course finishes, but it never does.
My hopes for the year again seem pretty simple, but will take a huge effort on my part to actually achieve. I want to take more time to myself, even if just 5 minutes a day to drink a cup of tea without working at the same time. I want to take better care of myself, I don’t mean wear more make up or do my nails ( although that would be nice ) but take the time to eat a little better, sleep more and drink less coffee.
I’d like to spend few minutes a day playing the piano, and have set myself a challenge to be able to play this ( which I’ve had since being 15 ) by the end of the year.
I want to take time out with each of the kids everyday, to take the time to enjoy their company rather than spend the time breaking up arguments or running from place to place, carrying one and chivvying the others along. Alongside that hope comes a need to be organised, to not be last minute with EVERYTHING, to not ALWAYS be in a huge rush to get somewhere. I want life to slow down a bit, I want to sit on the sofa and enjoy story time rather than wish the time away so I can get my dinner. I’m very conscious at the moment how fast everyone is growing up and I want to hold onto every special moment, every giggle and each hug and kiss. I want to enjoy the sounds of someone calling ‘Mummy’, not answer impatiently to the 50th request that day for a snack.
I’d like to take more photos of me with the kids, to stop hiding behind the camera and move in front. I think there are grand total of two photos with me in for the whole of last year.
I want to take the time to go for a run or even just a walk, I want to not feel pressured into doing everything everyone else does, but just do what’s best for us.
I made this video two years ago, and can’t believe how much everyone has changed in such a short space of time. It really brings home to me how precious this time when the children are little is, that one day I won’t wake up with a chubby little arm on my neck, one day no one will want to play Playmobil or dollies with me, they’ll be off doing their own thing.
I’d also love to completely reorganise my house, so there are peaceful, inspiring areas rather than just clutter and mess everywhere. I want home to be an oasis of calm, or at the very least contain pockets of calm. Basically I need an extra 3 hours in every day.
What are your goals for this year?
It’s really nice to read a list like this that focusses on the simple things. It’s so easy to get swept up in life, but as you say, it passes in the blink of an eye and before you know it, we’ll all be looking back and wishing we enjoyed it, rather than having the benefit of time on our sides. Great post.
Wow I can relate to pretty much ALL of this. I feel much the same as The Boy starts school in September and I know this will change our dynamic hugely. I am also in virtually none of our family photos.
I’m back in the classroom this week and I’m already running around like a a mad thing. I can’t wait for it to finish. I appreciate even more just how calm life is right now that I’m not teaching.
That’s such a lovely list. And an important one too. I totally agree with the photograph thing, that’s on my list too, I take all our photographs so I am never in them. Good luck with the Sonata too! I am just totally impressed you can read music. I don’t have a clue! 😀 xx
That’s a lovely list Em and I have similar goals. I am so proud of how I am doing with my freelance work, I have never been busier, but with that comes this feeling of not being able to switch off and I find that the time I do have with my girl’s, is spent answering emails or looking at my phone. I really need to put it down, I know that in my heart, yet I still do it, and it is something that bothers me greatly. I don’t want to look back in a few years and think why did I spend that time doing that while my babies were so small. x
Ohh my word, you have a lot of want to do Em. From experience I’d say it is pretty tought to spend one on one time with each kid every day. I aim for 20 mins each kid 2 times a week and with clubs and that even that is tough but they really relish it. Mich x
I love spending time with my children one on one but lots of things seem to get in the way at the minute – we have a date night once a week but lately we’ve not been sticking to it as we’ve been so busy. Must get back in to the habit though x x x x
Such a beautiful video and sentiments. I hope you manage some of them every day X