It’s been a very long time since I last wrote a baby Charlie update, summer seemed to pass by in the blink of an eye and I really don’t know where the last half term has gone.
I can’t believe he is half a year old already. In some ways it feels like we’ve had him forever, but at the same time I feel like he should only be a few weeks old.
He hasn’t been gaining weight quite as well as he should and has continually dropped down the growth charts which has caused some concern and a hospital visit. We’re just waiting for his blood tests to come back, but we think he is potentially dairy intolerant and I still think he might have a little tongue tie too.
He refuses to take a bottle, and the one time he did take formula he was violently sick ( which is part of the reason we think he is dairy intolerant ) so up until we started weaning him, all the feeding has been down to me, which isn’t easy when you also have 3 other children. I’ve given up dairy which seems to have helped Charlie, but not me. I’m finding it very difficult, but thanks to Oatly Barista milk have managed to keep my daily latte which to be honest, sometimes gets me through the day after a sleepless night.
I am really missing milk chocolate and cake, but this little face is worth it! He’s turning into such a lovely little boy with a big smile ready for anyone who talks to him. We all love him to bits and still can’t quite believe he’s here.
Charlie loves
His Jumperoo!
Looking at lift the flap Spot books
Looking in the mirror at himself.
Tickles under his arm.
I love
Charlies Jumperoo
Sophie Giraffe and Gumigem teethers
Baby cuddles 🙂
Wow, 6 months already. Sorry to hear he isn’t gaining weight and hope you find an answer too. I look after a little one who is gluten and lactose intolerant but cake is possible, we have found some good ones 🙂
Time passes so fast – can’t believe he’s already 6 months. Must be hard staying off the dairy, but it’s worth it if he thrives.
Awwww can’t believe he is 6 months old already! He is so beautiful Emma!
Charlie is a gorgeous boy – hopefully, something will take his fancy soon and he will start popping on some pounds xx
Wow – where did that time go to!
How is time passing so quickly? It scares me sometimes how fast days turn into weeks then months. I am Edie’s only source of food and I feel so proud of the achievement bit also worry the three older ones are missing out on me x our newborn phase is over x I am looking forward to the adventures the next 6 months will bring x