This is a photo of my beautiful 3 year old taken today. She is wearing an outfit of her choosing. Her ‘jeabs’ and one of Z’s old T-shirts featuring the ‘Happy No’s’ ( no idea why they are Happy No’s and not Mr Men ).
For little S, jeabs and a T shirt are standard attire. Dresses and skirts are an absolute no no, as is brushing your hair, and heaven forbid I go near her with a hair clip.
Her nursery report says:
‘S is a very happy, funny and entertaining member of the class’
‘S can usually be found in the home corner with the boys dressed up a fireman’.
She tells me she doesn’t like girls, just boys.
So what do you think? Is is just a phase? Is she just being contrary? or do I have a little Tom boy?
Either way, she is pretty amazing, I love my big girl.
Linked to Thinly Spread and Actually Mummy.
I think this is cute….she is better off being friends with the boys rather than the girls….you definitely have a real character there!
she certainly is her own person!
Aww she is so cute, she looks happy and confident in herself, that’s the way she should be. xx
yes, very true! xx
I have a friend who is hot pink New York fashion personified. Her daughter is a sworn tomboy! She is now 7 and doesn’t show signs of changing – she even insists that her school shoes come from the boys section! Thanks for linking 🙂
Ha ha, I’m not very girly…maybe she is more like me than I think!
I’d say she’s a tomboy, gorgeous with it too!
Thanks lovely! x
Ah she’s absolutely gorgeous! Reminds me of my sister at that age, she had a crew of boys and refused to wear pink. Of course, these days pink is a favourite, as are dresses and sky high heels.
Ah, perfect! Confidence oozing out of her, she reminds me of my DD at that age, she is now definitely a girl but a very feisty one! Thanks for linking up x
she is fiesty. I think its a good way to be 🙂
Brilliant pic! Some girls just get on better with boys I guess! My 7 year old is much the same, when I ask her why she just says they argue less and do as they are told!!!
Ha ha, she sounds like a little star! x
What a cheeky little monkey! Nothing wrong with being a tom boy. I had lots of boy friends at school. x