I made my first Easter bonnet for my children last year. I bought a cheap hat and stuck little chickens and eggs all over it. The result was pretty good, but I felt like I’d cheated. This year I have made the whole thing, with a little bit of help from my girls.
What you need:
- 2 large pieces of cardboard
- Double sided sellotape
- Feathers, eggs, stickers or anything you want to decorate the hat.
- Using one piece of cardboard, wrap it around the head which is to wear the hat and mark how big it needs to be. Secure the card with the double sided tape so it forms a cylinder, this will be the main part of the hat.
- At one end cut slits all the way around about 1.5cm high. Bend the cardboard between the slits out so it lies flat and attach pieces of tape to the underneath.
- Using the second piece of cardboard, cut out a large circle about 3 inches bigger than the circle in step one.
- Stick the main hat part to the centre of the circle, and cut out the inside, so you are left with a hat with a brim.
- Decorate as you wish.
I used a feather boa to hide the messy part at the bottom, tied some ribbons around the main part of the hat, and stuck on some eggs cut from last years Easter cards.
The eggs are made from special air drying dough from Yellow Moon. It is very easy to use and very effective.
What do you think?
Seems you had a lot of creative fun making this…and your young one is delighted to be wearing it!
yes, she loves hats!
That is adorable!!!
Thank you. x
What a creative hat!!! I wanted to sew a real bonnet this year, but this looks like a much more creative, child friendly, and time friendly option =) (PS – not sure if it is just my computer, but I have a really hard time reading your blog because of the gray writing on black. Maybe it is because I am in Explorer???)
i want to take her to a tea party in that hat 🙂
What a great hat – I’m yet to make an easter bonet for mine… this year I will try and I love the idea of using a feather boa.
Thank you for linking up to Tuesday Tots and look forward to seeing you next week
thanks! xxxx
Very stylish! I can see her at Ascot Ladies day ! Love the jaunty angle!
Now that is very impressive and very creative indeed! I am forever in awe of your artistic ideas and talent! x
Thank you for linking to Family Frolics!
Oh bless it looks fab! Loving the yellow feather rim – I need a hat with one of those!
How fun!! I guess I really cheated last year since I bought an Easter bonnet and just hot glued fake flowers on to it. Love yours though! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!! I hope you are having a wonderful week!
What a gorgeous hat! I think I might have to steal your idea for my daughter. Can you please tell me what super dough eggs are? Thanks 🙂
awww, thank you. The super dough is coloured clay. xx