Where did half term go? In fact, where has the first half of the autumn term gone? Time seems to move faster the older my children get. So far the new school year has been a blur of rugby, gymnastics and swim galas with a whole heap of homework added in as well. It’s been horrendously stressful and I am behind with EVERYTHING and now heading into my busiest month yet with a semi secret project, but hopefully it will all be worth it soon.
It’s been so crazy busy that Rob and I haven’t been taking particularly good care of ourselves and as soon as the temperature dropped found ourselves to be completely unprepared to not be walking around in jeans and t-shirts which isn’t great when a large part of your weekend is stood at the side of a rugby pitch or dashing between the cold outdoors and boiling swimming pool. While I searched unsuccessfully for a spare day to go shopping Jacamo kindly sent Rob a new sweatshirt and adidas shoes. He’s all set for the cooler weather and also according to Zak cool enough to be seen with ( you can’t ask for more than that ). My 10 year old daughter has a very similar sweatshirt in blue and doesn’t want to be seen with him, but you can’t win them all!
Jacamo have some great brands available which are perfect for men and boys of all ages and some cool tech items too, so if you need Christmas gift ideas for men, I’d definitely recommend checking them out. I’ve already got lots of ideas for Christmas present gifts for Rob and the other male members of my family and love that I can buy everything from the same place. They have all my favourite brands for men with higher end and less expensive items so something for every budget too!
I didn’t manage to go shopping for myself in half term, but we did have a lot of fun with a mini holiday ( more about that soon ) and lots of walks in the beautiful autumn sunshine. I am most definitely not looking forward to when the weather changes from sweatshirt weather to coat weather and I don’t think we’re far off that, but at least with Halloween, Bonfire Night and then Christmas there’s a lot to look forward to and the run up to Christmas is my favourite time of year.
Do you like this of year? Are you happy to be snuggling up in cosy jumpers and sweatshirts or dreaming of summer sunshine?
Thanks to Jacamo for the lovely gift!
We all went out for a walk in the woods today wrapped up in coats and hats. It was sooo blooming mild I ended up carrying everything! I wish the weather would make its mind up!
it’s gotten far too cold already – I’m definitely not ready for it! have to break out the jumpers asap
It is crazy how quickly the weather has turned isn’t it! I need to think about getting some warming clothing as I threw away a lot of mine at the turn of summer! EKK!
I’m usually so happy to be snuggling in cosy tops, but this year I’m really missing summer for some reason. I think it might be having slightly older children and the impact rainy days have on our house!
You made some great pics! I am personally loving the cold weather to get all snuggly and wear lots of layers, especially after how uncomfortable the heat was this summer, but give it a few weeks and I’m sure I’ll be wishing for summer again!
We have only just started half term here and its absolutely freezing. Car windows frozen this morning ha. Im on the hunt now for warmer gear for us all š its always nice buying new jumpers every year
It’s definitely time to stock up on a new winter wardrobe for me – I can’t believe how cold the weather has got over the last week or two.
Addidas shoes are always a winner. I’ve heard of Jacamo before but never bought anything from them. Worth a look.
The Christmas season varies with year, some times cold or hot, in this case, shopping seems to be difficult so what kind of wear are we to shop for?