I’m used to getting asked question after question all day by 4 year old Z, but every now and then he asks something that leaves me completely stuck for an answer.
Since he learned about some children in Africa not having much food he has been quite concerned about them. We sent some money in for seeds and he seemed a bit happier thinking that would help. He has also been quite worried about the children we made the shoebox for, as part of Operation Christmas Child. The two things must have been troubling him and got a bit mixed up as last week he asked:
“Mummy, if Father Christmas takes presents to everyone, why do I get lots and children in Africa don’t get many?”
I really didn’t know what to say, does anyone have any ideas in case he asks again?
If you know why the sky is so high or how a rocket works that would be really helpful too!
Linked up to Thinly Spread
crikey, that’s a tough one. I find myself constantly fielding these types of questions too – v tricky
It is really hard..I don’t want to tell him complete rubbish, but sometimes they are not hold enough for the truth. x
How about “They have very small houses, so they don’t have room for lots of toys”
thats a good one too, thank you. x
That is really hard and I don’t know what to suggest really. It is very difficult. Does z think Father Christmas brings all his presents or just one? Maybe you could go down the you have lots of family who like to treat you line rather than Father Christmas. Eeeek tough one. x
Not an actual answer but only ONE present is brought by Santa in our home. In that sense, I guess Santa can’t be blamed for geographical favouritism.
thats a good idea, we have have to do the next year. xx
It’s a really, really tough one and I’m not sure there is an answer…we do embroil ourselves with this Father Christmas line don’t we?! Mine get one gift from the big man and a small stocking with a book, fruit, choc coins etc, anything else is from us/grandparents/family/friends. It’s certainly uncomfortable and I have fielded and distracted rather than deal directly with it when they are little because I don’t want to spoil the magic for them. Good luck! (Thanks for linking such a thought provoking post to The Things They Say and Do) x
The boys think that we all get different presents from father Christmas as we help by giving him a budget. We had to say this as some of their peers get lots and lots including a quad bike.
We kind of went down a similar route as Jen from The Mad House, telling them we give Santa some pennies to help run his workshop and he brings a present to say thank you but that we have to also make sure we give away any old toys we don’t use so Santa can take them to those less fortunate children with Mummies and Daddies who don’t have any pennies. You wouldn’t think at 4 they’d be so aware of what’s going on around them but they are and it can leave you stumped as to how to reply!
Gosh that’s a toughie! I think I would say something along the lines of Father Christmas does bring every child presents, he just can’t take them food and water and that’s why we need to help! Good luck! 🙂
I also told my kids that we had to give money to Santa to buy the presents – that has helped me to explain why they’re not getting great stuff now I’m out of work too!
Thats actually what I said, but my husband said I had just commercialised Christmas!