Do you struggle to keep your family life organised? When you run a family home, it’s easy to get lost in unending clutter and chaos. The trouble is, a cluttered home often equals a stressful life.
If you’re determined to take control and become more organised, here you’ll discover some of the best tips you can follow.
Undergo a major declutter
In order to become more organised, first you need to eliminate any unnecessary clutter. Depending upon how cluttered your home is, this could be a pretty huge task! Therefore, it’s best to start with one room at a time.
Go through paperwork and establish what to keep and what to throw out. For example, you’ll want to hold onto any personal legal documents, but any receipts can be thrown out after 90 days, along with old bills and junk mail. Keep important things in one place
A great tip is to make sure you keep the important documents and items you’ve saved in one place. This could be a drawer under the bed, a filing cabinet or in a drawer within telephone tables. Having a telephone table in the hallway by the door for example, can help you store other important things such as car keys and business cards.
You’ll also want a separate drawer for any electronics you may have such as USBs, cables and chargers. If you want to be really organised, have a drawer for holiday related stuff too, such as passports, foreign currency and international chargers.
Take advantage of smartphone apps
Did you know there’s an abundance of smartphone apps which can help you to stay organised? Many are specifically dedicated to families such as calendar apps. These allow you to make records of all of your appointments, keeping track of what everybody is doing on specific dates.
For example, you can add your kids’ dentist appointments and after school clubs. You can see your partner’s appointments and add your own. Being able to keep track of everyone’s schedule in one place is definitely going to make your life easier.
Other useful smartphone apps include to-do lists and shopping lists. Take a little time to browse your phone’s app store to see which ones could best match your needs.
These are just a few simple steps you can take to keep your family life more organised. Don’t forget, if you do use calendar apps, make sure each member of the family updates their calendar frequently. You’ll also want to make sure that once you’ve de-cluttered and found a place for important things, you keep on top of your mail and documents. If you sort them out every day, or at least once a week, they won’t become a problem.
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