Yesterday I had the absolute pleasure of accompanying my 5 year old to school. I spent the whole day with her and her friends, taking part in activities, playing outside and even eating lunch together. It was a real insight into her school life.
I’ve read a lot about schools and the Government’s plans for schools over the last few weeks. I’ve had my right to take my children on holiday in term time taken away from me, there’s been whispers of longer school days and shorter holidays. I won’t ramble on about the impact that would have on children ( if it’s even meant for children as young as mine ) but what I will say is, yesterday I saw a little girl who LOVES school, who loves to learn, who can READ, actually read, after not even a term and a half. I saw a school of cheerful, contented children, I saw teachers who genuinely care about their class. I saw a system that is working, a reading scheme that excites and engages, a school that’s like a big family.
At home I see two children who are happy, I see a very bright little boy whose teachers take the time to challenge on a daily basis. I see children who are being taught to care about their friends and respect their teachers. I also see that by 3.15 they are ready for a hug from Mummy and some down time.
I just hope that whoever is REALLY making decisions gets to see what I see, and takes care of these AMAZING teachers instead of alienating them, because I wouldn’t want anyone else looking after my children.
It is true, one of the teachers at my son’s school said she didn’t get home until 8pm the night this was announced – 5 hrs later than school ends, imagine if school didn’t end until 6pm!
Couldn’t agree more, teachers are so stretched as it is, I don’t see how anyone will benefit from these plans if they do go ahead…
I’m still in shock that such thoughts even crossed someones mind let alone came out of their mouth and formed one of the most ill thought out proposals i have ever heard.
Longer school hours may not be for everyone but I just hope that their is still a degree of choice left open to both schools and parents.
Well said.
OH I am soooo with you on this one! I dread the thought of of extended school hours. Can we petition it?
I cannot imagine what extra pressure this would put on teachers. It’s just too much, both for them and the children… xx
This is a truly lovely post Emma, and I haven’t been following the talks, although I should with Mads soon going to be going. It sounds a ludicrous idea. x
I couldn’t agree more with you. I find it bad enough that kids start school so young in the UK. If this really happens, I will seriously consider homeschooling because I want Amy to have a childhood and not be drilled to learn from 9-5…
I had parents evening today, and had a lovely chat with one of my ten year olds teachers. He has really struggled with the move to middle school, and I couldn’t ask for more supportive and caring teachers in helping him settle in. I loathe the thought of schools being used as cheap, non-optional childcare, and I wish the dedicated teachers within them were listened to, and treated with the respect they deserve.
Thank you.
A Lovely post and such a cute picture, I agree longer days would be to much for little people x