Little S starts school in just under 2 weeks, I can’t quite believe it is so soon. I had intended for us to do lots of fun learning activities over summer, but somehow the time passed me by in a blur of mornings in the park and afternoons in the paddling pool, so today I checked out the LeapFrog Summer School for inspiration and decided to make a roller coaster of letters. The idea of the task from LeapFrog was to play a game where you work through the alphabet thinking of animals beginning with the different letters. I will try that game in the car one day this week, but the printout gave me inspiration for us to create this.
Z drew the roller coaster on a big bit of paper and then S helped him add letters all along. They had a really good time working together.
This afternoon we took our play outside and made some bug/fairy gardens. S wanted to make them a pond which of course filled the tray, so we had to bring in the diggers and some sneaky letters.
What games to do you play to make learning more fun? Have you tried the LeapFrog Summer School yet, I would definitely recommend taking a look. Did you see our summer passports at the start of summer? Z has really enjoyed ticking things off as we’ve done them.
I am a LeapFrog Blogger, but received no compensation for this post.
My son starts school next year but i think this is such a fad idea and will definitely be doing it then.
Good luck to Little S 🙂
I can’t believe S is starting school- our babies are all growing up so quickly! In two years it will be Mads! And H or is she the year before? x