On the 21st December 2009 I was in Claridges celebrating my 30th birthday, eating shellfish and knocking back the wine unaware I was pregnant with baby number 3. 8 months later my beautiful baby girl was born at home in our living room and our lives changed forever.
So be warned, 3 children under 4 means:
You need a monster car. Picture a tank with fold down seats in the boot. This is not good if you are not capable of parallel parking a smart car.
No one will invite you to parties anymore, your family are a party in themselves.
You’ll need a new gigantic bag to fit 3 drinks, 2 types of nappies, snacks and 3 changes of clothes in.
You never leave the house with freshly brushed hair or well applied make up.
There will never be half an hour without someone crying or falling over or both.
There is always someone asking for food.
Someone always needs their nappy changing/bum wiped/bum checked for good wiping.
You’ll see more poo than you though possible.
Your Boots advantage card will become your best friend ( provider of free make up from points collected buying nappies ).
Say goodbye to a whole nights sleep, there is never a night without someone having a nightmare, wetting the bed, needing a drink or falling out of bed.
It becomes easier to walk ( with double pushchair and buggy board combo, or compliant older child on a scooter ) than get everyone in and out of the car.
You will always be hot, sweaty and late. By the time one child has shoes and coat on another will have removed theirs.
You can only relax between the hours of 7pm and 6am, at other time at least one child will be asking you a question, usually something you either don’t want to answer or don’t know how to answer.
What you need is:
Friends good enough to tell you when your hair is stuck up, or you have forgotton to rub your blusher in.
Friends who will take in at least one child, when you need to rush another to the doctors/A and E.
Endless amounts of patience.
Handcream (after endless hand washing from all the nappies/washing up has destroyed the skin on your hands )
A double pushchair and buggy board, preferably both together.
Super strong arms for when a sorrowful looking middle child wants you to carry her and the baby.
Eyes in the back of your head in case children 1 and 2 decide to ‘cuddle’ or play with/sit on baby number 3.
A cleaner.
Even with all the above, my beautiful surprise baby number 3 is the best thing that could have happened to us. She is so sweet and good natured and I appreciate every little smile and every cuddle all the more because time alone with her is so rare and so precious.
Our house is absolutely crazy, messy and loud, but I love it!
>I love how the reality sounds a nightmare but its all worth it for scrummy yummy kids and their cuddles. That's parenting huh!
>Ha ha. I have never even thought about how big your bag would have to be with more than one child. I have already ditched any personal items for me from my bag in order to make room for drinks, nappies, change of clothes, touchy books etc. Wow. Three…
>This is my favourite part!Eyes in the back of your head in case children 1 and 2 decide to 'cuddle' or play with/sit on baby number 3Very amusing. Well not for baby number 3!You must have the patience of a saint. But totally worth it I am sure. Great post! x
>Thanks for the comments! Choc Orange – its definately worth it!Bibsy – touchy books and toys are a luxury item in my bag :-)Mrs E – my patience levels are directly correlated to how many of the kids are talking to me at the same time 🙂
>Can I hire some extra eyes? This are my concerns when I think of adding another Mini to the bunch. Transportation becomes an issue…
>Fancy – you'd need an extra Nanny!
>I have been considering baby number 3 and after reading this I think I will maybe go for it. However by the time number 3 is born no 1 will be 5 + should be a piece of cake right? 🙂 x
>Susan – yep a piece of cake ;-)I am hoping it will be easier with one at school :-))
>Hee hee that's a great funny post! I think two are a handful goodness knows how you manage with three! x
>That's a great post! I am often tempted to have another, but being one of three myself I don't know how my mother coped sometimes! Emma 🙂