Z and S are always wanting to be out and about on their bikes and scooters, but until now little H has been a bit left out either being pushed in her buggy or pulled on a scooter.
The 3 in 1 trike from Little Tikes has been brilliant for allowing her to keep up with her big brother and sister.
We have the trike in the first stage so we can push H easily while she gets used to it. In this setting a full harness is used, as well as protective sidebars and backrest. The pedals can be disengaged.
In stage 2 mode the protective sidebars are removed, and the child can steer themselves. For stage 3, the footrest, harness, push handle and backrest are removed. This allows the child to pedal and steer independently, which is great for getting ready to ride a real bike.
The shade canopy is fully adjustable, so while not much use at the moment, will be great for summer.
H loves the dashboard, especially the steering wheel, lights and sounds. Her favourite is the poice siren, which always gets us some funny looks as people walk past. This can also be removed and played with separately.
The little bag on the handle is perfect for keeping her little squirrel in who comes everywhere with us, and the storage bucket on the back is great for collecting pine cones.
The trike is great quality as are all Little Tikes products, it is very easy to push and steer, which is especially impressive as H is at the bigger end of the recommend age for it.
The trike does require some assembly, but comes with clear instructions. It only took us about 30 minutes to put together, so perfectly doable the night before Christmas or a birthday!
We were sent the 3 in 1 trike for the purpose of this review.
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