Rabbit is very well looked after, he has a nappy on under his clothes, he gets pyjamas put on before bed, he even sits in a high chair to eat with us. Yesterday he came for a walk in a dolls pushchair. S told me after that Rabbit loved his ‘fresh air’ and wants to go again.
I can just imagine her sat here telling Rabbit all about bugs, grass and trees and how much she loves him.
My all time favorite photos of children are in grassy fields. I love this. What a fabulous photo and a great location. It looks stunning. What a great photo! #livingarrows
This is just adorable!
Oh that is sweet, and so caring.
Oh that is just a gorgeous picture! We have a bunny, a teddy and a dolly that all get very special treatment and take it in turns to come on outings with us, have dinner with us and sleep in LP’s bed x
Aww that is such a special photo. R never really had one particular toy that she had a strong bond with, which is a shame really.
Awwwww so so so sweet!
Awwww this is so lovely – I love photos where the children aren’t looking directly at the camera xx
This is so beautiful Emma! x
Beautiful photo. Rabbit sounds much loved.
He really is 🙂
Oh my, I really love this. Such a great capture, the warmth of the hay, and the hint at listening in on a conversation…
Awww this is so sweet x
Leaning to burture through play…so lovely
So adorable, it is so lovely to see how their imagination works
Ahhh I want to picnic with you guys!
Stunning picture. I love photos like this which really capture the person. The light is stunning too. Simply beautiful.
Ahh I love the relationship they have with their best toy, my Miss E has her ted Alfie and it is the same, she will chat to him for ages. Mich x
Oooo ohhh ahh words fail me, but I want to bottle the feeling!
I love secret photo taking.It captures the essence of people especially kids.