If you read my blog, you’ll know I quite often post about the funny things my kids say. Z especially can be hilarious, he was grilling me about the tooth fairy the other day, and I ended up saying ‘it’s because she’s a bit magic‘, to which he replied ‘like Santa? and God?‘
It reminded me of that episode of Friends where Santa, the holiday Armadillo and the Easter Bunny are in the same room.
I came across this Funny Things Kids Say tool, which is very funny, but not as funny as Z’s request yesterday.
‘Mummy, can you please Google, ‘Why do girls have two bums and boys a willie?’
I sense that in a few years we will have to have our internet very locked down.
Little H and S have been very sweet playing together lately, and I have overheard some funny conversations about when they are going to turn into boys. They were less funny last Friday when they decided to play hairdressers with real scissors. I was happily working downstairs thinking how good and quiet they were being. Luckily they layered the hair rather than chopping big chunks so not too much damage was done.
They have recently moved into the same room with a Stompa bunk bed from Room To Grow. I love it, but as soon as they have a disagreement we have to promise to separate the beds…..which I really don’t want to do, but I’m not sure how long they will last.
What funny things do your children say?
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I can’t wait for all these question. They make you really creative, don’t they? 😀
Amy currently says that animal tails are wee weers. Cracks me up!
Ah the cute things they say – I had to try to explain why daddy has a hairy bottom yesterday – which is never good!
Ahh, that childhood natural inquisitiveness-will get you in trouble very time! I always worry when things are quiet-there really is a case of it being ‘too quiet’ as far as I’m concerned. The other day
I found my son emptying the pond of water-baby frogs and all…..