How are we seven weeks into the year already? Halfway through the school year, halfway through infant school for my middle child and halfway through Year R for my littlest. Time is going too fast….scary fast…I need it to slow down…
We had a brilliant day yesterday catching up with old friends, and the kids had the BEST time, despite the rain, because mud and puddles are apparently the greatest thing ever.
We warmed up afterwards in the garden centre cafe, looking grubbier than I’ve ever us, but the washing was completely worth it to see those little smiles.
This was taken earlier in the week, but I love the ‘just about to jump’ stance, when actually she changed her mind and walked around the puddle.
It’s photos like these where my girls still look so small, that make me remember that my children are still little and hopefully not growing up too fast after all.
That half way through the school year thing is a bit of a shocker isn’t it? Yes, your kids are still little. I love this meme you join in on and watching them grow up bit by bit too! X
Great images! I can’t believe where the school year is disappearing to! This will be a great way for you to look back though x
Each year that passes seems to pick up speed and races by. I look especially at Chloe and wonder how I have a 15 year old.
I am weeping as today half term is officially over, yes we have the weekend ahead (thank goodness) but I love spending this time with my girls – roll on Easter
Oh doesn’t the time pass just too quickly? We have also had a muddy puddles sort of a day today, this weather isn’t so bad when you dress up for it and get out there anyway is it?x
Ahh, love the photos! Looks like getting grubby was a lot of fun!
I feel so out of synch when I read all these posts about half term – we are only three weeks into the new school year here, so still adjusting to a new class and new routine. Lovely seeing what everyone is up to though 🙂 x