Seriously, where has this year gone? It seems like two minutes since last New Year and so far this half term is disappearing before my eyes. We’re already in full blown Christmas frenzy, with school play rehearsals, present buying, photo calendar making and card writing, it’s just going too fast.
So far little S has on her list:
- Playmobil School
- Bigger bike
- Scooter
- Chair for a doll
- Z wants:
- A LEGO cargo train
- Star Wars LEGO
Then H today announced that she wants a REAL DOG to live in the house! Perhaps I should send the toy kitchen hidden under the spare bed back to the shop.
It’s fair to say I’m in a minor panic about how I’m going to get everything done and I am absolutely determind to make the Stick Man I’ve been trying to make for the last 2 years. I just need to find some time, and buy the wool and some stuffing, oh, and learn how to knit, that’s doable right? Anyone got any spare hours to pass my way?
Are you feeling organised yet? Please tell me it’s not just me that still has a million things to do. My plan for writing all my cards in half term fell apart the moment I had to buy cards from school, which I’m pretty sure haven’t even been ordered yet. HELP!!!
Anyone got any tips to help me get back on track?
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er i’ve done a grand total of nothing….hope you feel a bite better now 🙂