We had a great Christmas, but time flew by, before we knew it we were packing PE bags and searching for library books. It was time to get organised again. I can’t believe how worn both children’s shoes look after just one term, it’s madness. With that in mind, I have a great guest post today about Back To School Essentials.
With Christmas over and done with, it’s time to turn your attention back towards the imminent spring term at your kid’s school, and while they will undoubtedly have most things that they need, it may be a good time to update their school stuff. After all, kids grow all the time and they may have already outgrown their girl’s or boy’s school shoes (or, perhaps more likely, they have scuffed their shoes to pieces in the playground!)
While you probably won’t have to buy the full load of uniform and back to school basics until the summer, the return to school after the Christmas break is an ideal time to stock up on things that have been lost, ruined or have been outgrown. Here are some of the essentials that you can consider.
School Shoes
George’s range of boy’s school shoes is not only affordable but there’s a good selection too. The great thing about some of the range is that they’re scuff-resistant, so they may last a little longer on boisterous little toes. The range of girl’s shoes is also extensive so their feet can be sitting pretty in no time.
It may be that they have mislaid their cardigan or jumper, or their selection of school t-shirts has dwindled because of various stains and marks that they’ve picked up along the way. Now would be a good time to neaten them back up again with some new additions to their wardrobes.
It may also be a good time to stock up on school socks for your little princess, especially as the spring months start to arrive.
PE Kit
You may find that their PE requirements will change in the New Year, with their classes being taken outside rather than just within the gym setting. If this is the case, they’ll likely need a tracksuit top to keep them warm, and some comfortable trainers rather than just the gym pumps they may be used to.
Do they still have enough pens, pencils and notepads to keep them going? While they’re in primary school, they tend to have all this supplied for them but as they get older, they may need to take in a pencil case filled with writing materials. As the months progress, things will inevitably be lost, so top their stash up if you need to.
Make sure that if they have been set any homework to complete over the holidays that’s it’s all done and ready to go. If they need to practice their reading, sit down with them so that you can fill in their reading diary. If they have been given the task of looking after their class mascot, make sure their diary has been filled in and is ready to go.
Are they having school dinners this term? They can save a lot of hassle in the mornings, but you’ll have to provide some dinner money in advance. You can usually pop this in their book bag every morning or you can send a cheque to the school office so that it’s all paid in advance.
Get them off to a good start this term; the next thing you get to look forward to is their parent’s evening!
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they grow out of stuff so quickly we had to restock on trousers over Christmas! And my son wanted white trainers rather than black plimsols for PE for we got some from ASDA for him. xxx