How is it less than two weeks till Christmas? I’m starting to panic a little, we haven’t even got a tree yet, but I know from past experience it all just comes together somehow and the kids don’t even notice the things I stress about.
We have a few traditions that have developed over the years, Christmas Eve ends with the opening of our snuggle sack ( a santa sack with new pyjamas for the kids, a DVD and movie snacks ) We then chill out together watching a movie before leaving a mince pie and carrot out for Santa.
Christmas Day starts with a bit of present opening, then a breakfast of scrambled eggs and smoked salmon, after which there’s more present opening followed by LEGO and Playmobil building, a walk and a scrummy Christmas dinner. We’re usually so full after dinner than we have to have a gap before pudding! Only my husband actually likes Christmas pudding so we usually have a chocolate version, I bought a Heston one last year with popping candy on top and Zak thought it was the best thing ever, so I’m hoping to find the same again.
When I was young we would always go to my Grandma’s on boxing day and see all my cousins, but we don’t really have that option as our family is so far away, bu we do sometimes have Boxing Day guests and usually cook up a big ham which we then eat for days afterwards along with leftover turkey and leek pie that my husband saw Jamie Oliver make once and has turned it into his own festive tradition.
I’ve been loving all the Christmas adverts and animations this year, they really help get me in the festive mood which isn’t always easy when you work from home and don’t have that Christmassy office feeling. When I worked in Canary Wharf, I loved seeing the decorations go up in the shopping centre it was a real sign Christmas had started.
This lovely animation from HomeServe really made me think, as we’re a bit nervous about our boiler at the moment and have been warned several times that if it breaks it won’t be easily fixable. I really should look at getting some cover as a Christmas with no heat or hot water would be awful.
How are your Christmas preparations going?
In association with HomeServe
Once December arrives I always think time seems to speed up with all the events that are going on and before you know it it is Christmas Eve! We had a new boiler a few years ago – I can’t imagine how awful it would be to be without heating and hot water any day, least of all at Christmas. Finger crossed yours holds!
Have a super duper Christmas! xx
I agree with the working form home thing, as that’s me too. I have to keep going out on errands to get the christmassy feeling. Heston’s chocolate pudding sound divine, I don’t like like Christmas pud either.
I LOVE christmas, although am finding it hard to find my Mojo this year! We have the day at home and then pop to the outlaws for an hour of so on the evening
Oh I love the sound of the Heston dessert, might have to try and find that myself, was it from Waitrose?
Sounds like a perfect day! We rent and one of the few upsides of that is if the boiler breaks someone else has to pay to fix it – but I know if we owned I would rather have insurance in place than suddenly have to find a big chunk of cash if the boiler broke.