I have a very noisy house. The only time there is quiet is when we play hide and seek and even then the silence is permeated with little giggles. Someone once told me that the average 4 year old asks 400 questions a day. I have absolutely no idea whether that is true or not but here are the questions I was asked today. By my 4 year old only, I'd like to point out. My two year old also has a high level of questioning ability, and is very repetitive.
“Is it morning yet?”, “Errr. No”
“Why is it light then?”, “The sun came out too early”
“Why has S taken her nappy off?”, “Damn” – gets up
“Why don’t the octonauts have hair?”, “Errmmmm” he quickly moved on
“How does the octonauts ship move?”, “It has special engines?”
“Where's my milk?”, “You mean where is my milk please?”
“When can we watch Pinochio?”
“When can we go to Disney?”
“Whats Toy Story 4?”
“When will there be Toy Story 5”
“Why is there only Toy Story 1, 2 and 3?”
“Mummy, is that long thing a train?” – something train like on the TV
“When can we eat the strawberries?”, “When they grow” Strawberries were planted last week and I get asked daily when they will grow.
“Have they growed yet?”
“When we planted them why did they already grow?”
“Why were the blueberry plants big?”
“Can we play with the thing in the car?” Thing in the car is a mud pie table, that was meant to be secret.
“Is it lunch time?” , “No its 930”
“Why is it not lunch time?”, “Still 930” – *reach for more coffee*
“Can we have a snack?” , “Sure, apple?”
“Can we have a chocolate egg?” (asked in chorus ) “ok just one”
“Can we have the biggest chocolate egg in the world?”, “Sure, this one do” – *holds out mini egg*
“Can I pick up baby H?”, “NOOOOO”
“Am I too small to pick up baby H?” , “Yes”
“Is Daddy old?”, “errrr, hes 36”
“What numbers that?”, “a 3 and a 6”
“Are you old?”, “Not as old as Daddy”
“Do giants get killed?”, “Errrrrrr” luckily closely followed by…
“Can we do sticking?”, “Yes please”
“Are those clothes?” looking at my actual clothes….apparently thinking they were pyjamas.
“Whats in the big box?”
“When's lunch?”
“Can I play the chicken game?”
“Why did I get 3 lego boxes and S just 1?” I whisper “You are very lucky” ( storage boxes by the way, not actual boxes of lego )
“Is my car park brilliant?”, “Oh, yes”
“Can I dress up as a pirate?”, “Sure”
“Can you get my hat please?” *Sigh* “OK”
You probably don't need my answers for the rest…..
“Wheres my eyepatch?”
“Why is H a baby?”
“Why does H have blue eyes?”
“Why do pirates have funny legs?”
“Why doesn't this pen work?”
“Is it Sunday?”
“Is it Monday?””Is it safe?” – to cross the road.”Is it still safe?”
“Why can't (names friend) ride without stabilisers?””Can I have a drink?””Why did you only bring one snack?”
“Is it tea time?”
“Are there more vegetables?”
''Whats for pudding?”
“Can I have a TV in my room?”
“Why does (names friend) have a TV in his room?”
“Can I have a bath?”
“Why do I have to clean my teeth?”
“Can I have a story?”
I may well have missed some questions as by 1030 they got a bit fed up of me typing before answering them, and several especially those related to food were repeated over and over.
I think I have a headache.
>This made me laugh right out loud! There was me looking forward to when my 2 year old's vocab had grown….
>There is never a dull moment! I've even been asked things I actually don't know the answer to, such as 'Is your deltoid in your shoulder??'. I had to google deltoid!
>'Do giants get killed?' and 'Why do pirates have funny legs?' are my favourites. Brilliant compilation – should be in a book!! 🙂
>LOL! Oh I know this well from niece and I only have to put up with it on the odd afternoon…."Why haven't you got stairs" (we live in a flat), Why is your house so small?, Why do you have drawing on your back? (a Tattoo), Why does nanny have wrinkles?, Why do you call mummy, Emma? Why do you call Nanny, Mummy? …..it continues…..Looking forward to the days Isla starts!
>I love this post- how funny! I think I like the fact mads can't talk yet lol!!
>That is very funny! I am not looking forward to Jack asking more questions, until now I had forgotten how tiring all that can be, I'm exhausted just reading it!x
I m quite exhausted actually! I might have to do a list of S’s questions next 🙂
love this post. So funny! I cant wait till my little one starts talking… though maybe I wont think that when it happens
“Are there more vegetables?” You must have a dream child!
Reading this makes me appreciate all the more the fact Frog can’t speak yet. x
He loves food. All food. So if vegetables are all there is thats what he will eat. x
Had to retweet as such a funny post, I was laughing out loud, Thank you xxx
Thank you. Glad you liked it!x
I love this! Very much looking forward to Charles getting to the questioning age……hmmmmm.
It is very sweet……
This really made me laugh, but only because my baby is too young to talk. I feel I may not be laughing so much in a year’s time. I do love this post tho!
Thank you! Its lovely that they are so curious really! x
My shoulders are actually shaking. *Actually* shaking with laughter. And I don’t know why because The Boy is 2 and I have all of this to come, I just know it!
Oh dear God woman, you must have the patience of a saint.
Ha ha!! It makes me laugh reading it back too!
Glad you liked it 🙂
i loved this post, i have 4yr old twins and a two and a half year old so you can imagine what a day holds for me at our crazy house xxx bless them
Wow – Lucy!! That must be a very crazy house!!
Geez motherhood is exhausting!!
I’ve just read it again & was going to write that I was exhausted reading it….then saw that I wrote that last time!
I need to do this with Jack now he asks non stop questions!