It’s been a bit of crazy week with Christmas plays, fairs and other festive activities which we’ve loved, but it has meant the last 9 days have whizzed by and I am completely not ready for Christmas!
My little Robin and Angel have been wonderful in their respective Christmas plays and I am quite sad that it’s Sydney’s last at her lovely little infant school, but she was a total star wiggling her bottom around during her Robin dance and my shy little Angel came to life on stage when she thought no one was looking. I haven’t got a photo of Sydney Robin as she was always surrounded by friends, but she was adorably cute, even if she was spotted chewing her toenails at one point. You’ve got to love the gymnastics bendiness and her complete complete lack of nerves at being in front of a crowd of people. Sydney just seems to make herself comfortable wherever she is, which is quite a skill.
I’m so proud of both my little girls, they are so very different, but both kind and so very loving. I am grateful for them every day.
Zak much to my surprise asked to join drama club this year and also made me very proud during his play. The poor boy has been a Narrator in 3 out of his 4 plays during his school life, but he is very good at it! He’s not a child who is fully comfortable on the stage, yet bravely puts himself forwards whenever possible.
I am hoping things clam down a bit now and we get some spend to quality festive time together playing games, reading books and watching movies instead of running around so much.
How’s your festive prep going?
Excellent costumes