When I look back on my first year with Z it was blissful. We would wake up about 8am, go downstairs, make breakfast and eat slowly whilst watching GMTV. Mornings consisted of walks, shopping, baby music, gym classes or meeting friends. It was lovely, relaxed and peaceful. We had all the time in the world to sit, sleep and play.
Fast forward to now, we wake up about 7am, the kids have breakfast while I run around searching for shoes, coats, socks, blankets, nursery bags, school bags, book bags and something for ‘show and share’. If I’m really lucky I get to shovel down a bit of limp toast and some luke warm tea whilst making sure everyone has clean teeth, faces and clothes on the right way round.
Getting shoes on 3 small children is no easy task. Z complains that his feel funny, Little S tries to put on her sparkly party shoes even though its tipping down with rain, and Baby H takes hers off as fast as I can get them on. Eventually we manage to get out of the house with me carrying baby H plus the bags and coats Z and S have refused to carry/wear.
If its a nursery day we drop of S first then rush to school and park a 5 minute walk away as we are so late all the good parking spots have gone. When we eventually get to school Baby H comes in with us and we start the goodbye ritual of 10 hugs, 10 kisses and a wave at the window.
Baby H and I get home, breathe a sigh of relief and try to relax until it all starts again in reverse at 3pm, followed by swimming or maths club. If its not a nursery day, We see friends or take S to gymnastics and swimming. Poor little baby H gets dragged around everywhere with her big brother and sister. I can’t decide whether its good for her to be exposed to so many different environments and have such a lively house or whether she just longs for a quiet 5 minutes and a day when she doesn’t have to get in the car.
I know I treasure the time when I can really concentrate on her beautiful little face. When we can read a book quietly and I can make her giggle. When Z and S are around her favourite words are ‘Owww’ with a sad little face and ‘Mummy’ as she reaches out to me pleading to be rescued from the chaos.
What do you think? Is it a good or bad thing to be the youngest? I’m just waiting for the day when she really finds her voice and I have three children shouting at me 🙂
The joys of the school run! Luckily I don’t have to put up with at, but it must be stimulating for baby to see everything going on.
Hmmm, maybe! 🙂 x
Im the youngest of four and id say it a bit of a double edged sword.
It’s great being part of a bigger family but it’s inevitable that there is less one on one time.
Having said that, it teaches independence and awareness of others so maybe not such a bad thing.
Even if it’s only a few minutes here and there that special alone time with Mum is invaluable.
Thats sort of good to know! x
My cousin used to say this about her youngest. Now that little girl is 5 years old and the bossiest in the house. If there’s chaos, she’s usually at the centre of it, directing her older brother and sister from the centre of the room! I wouldn’t worry about Baby H – I expect she’ll be bossing your other two around in no time! x
Don’t say that Molly, she can’t possibly be cheekier and bossier than S, can she??
I do wonder this when I have another baby- how it is certainly going to be the blissful first 10 months I had with Mads, chilling quietly, snuggling up in bed and feeding and going for cake and coffee with friends! Eek it almost makes me think I am not yet ready for that stage, but then at the same time I am broody!
Baby H is just so gorgeous! x
I have to say subsequent siblings have to ‘fit in’ more than single children. With commuting to school and my daughters swim training we spend about 250 miles in the car together a week and that’s with lift shares!
I am lucky in that Tala never complains and it is my own guilt that feels for him. My car is our mobile cafe, a place to discuss the day, a place to sing songs on return from school and a place to loath the sight of after a full week – yes I have a school run baby! xx
WOW 250 miles a week!! Thats a lot. Your car sounds lovely though 🙂
I only have two but the youngest is definitely louder and bossier than the first and as my oldest was excruciatingly shy when she was little this is generally a good thing!
I hope so, my middle one is quite loud, I’m hoping baby H won’t be louder than her! xx
Well, people told me that I was mad having two so close together but honestly? I wouldn’t want to have a baby and have to do school run (and I know parents who have specifically waited til then to have a subsequent child). Mornings are tons more relaxing when you don’t have to factor in a school run. Even nurseries aren’t a problem because you can turn up late and no-one will mind. School is different – turn up late and that will get frowned upon; too many times and the head will probably be having a word. Certainly the most stressed parents in the schoolyard in the morning are the ones with babies!
I come from a large family (3rd of 4 girls) and felt sometimes I missed out on attention from my mum tho who knows as a baby? My elder sister would have started school just before I was born but back then, there would have been fewer baby activities. I have a younger sister 18 months younger than me. I guess we all find our place in our family and they do say your familial position has a big effect on your personality type.
PS I find the school run is easier if I spend a few mins the night before making sure I know where everything is. Book bags by the door, shoes in a specific place, children have uniform and underwear out on a chair before they go to bed, that sort of thing. (Oh and any notes to be returned to school on the cupboard by the front door).
She is so gorgeous! I’m the youngest of four, never did me any harm!
Sounds just like my house – total chaos! I think we all forget to treasure those early days – if only we knew what was coming around the corner!
My youngest seems to thrive on running around here there and everywhere with me but I do miss the cuddles and lazy time that I enjoyed with my first, we dont seem to have any time for too much of that now!