I was REALLY looking forward to the summer holidays, six weeks of lazy mornings sounded blissful, and the kids have worked so hard at school this year I wanted to give them a real break and us have lots of fun spending time together. I even made this Pinterest board full of fun ideas for us. In reality of course summer so far has been fun but slightly less relaxed than I’d hoped. I think it’s taking a while for everyone to wind down and we’ve had a lot of house guests which has been lovely, but also put everything a bit out of whack.
The park around the corner from our house has once again become my sanity saver, when it all gets too much we get on bikes and head out. Little H has become super confident on her bike, so confident in fact that there was a point where we thought we’d have to buy her a new one as she was looking so big on hers, but luckily raising the seat seems to have bought us a bit of time. I love how she is so confident on it, she really does try very hard to keep up with her big brother and sister.
The girls have played together beautifully at times, slightly less well at others, but the memory of them walking around arms over each others shoulders singing ‘We’re bestest friends’ is one of those I want to fix in my brain forever. They really are quite a magical pair, very different in lots of ways, but also quite similar. This morning they’ve spent half an hour putting their little rabbits to bed together, all whilst chatting away in funny accents, as much as they can be difficult at times, they never fault to make me smile with their funny antics.
How is your summer going? Keep your fingers crossed mine gets easier soon, on the positive side, we have made a lot of play dough and a cardboard kitchen, so I’ve achieved some of my ever growing pinterest list.
Ours is going well so far, though I did have my first craving for a bit of peace today- am amazed I got nearly to the end of week 3 before that kicked in to be honest! We have just come back from Camp Bestival and next week have two birthdays in the house, so going to be busy busy busy! Looks like you are having a lovely time, but totally agree, it takes a while to get into the swing of it properly, then just as we have all wound down and got the knack of filling the long days September will rear it’s ugly head!
I have given up expecting to have a relaxed summer any more. Even days at home feel full on. In fact probably more so. Looks like you are having fun though. It’s so much easier when the kids are happy and getting on. Hope the rest of the holidays goes as well.
We have had lazy days, fun packed days, ones with laughter and ones with tears.
I love having the girls at home. I love not having the craziness of the school run. Like yours, they can be the best of friends (but also the worst of enemies).
I love the summer and hope you enjoy the rest of yours!
Summer is going really well but like you not as relaxed as we woudl hope, the next 2 weeks will be my relaxed ones, well I hope so. I hope you find some serenity soon. Mich x
Gorgeous summery shots Em, we are loving Summer so far, more so than normal because we have had lots of adventures planned. Its hard I bet when you are used to two of them at school! x
We’re having a lovely summer so far much less organised than I expected and lots more lazy days at home which means a fair bit of bickering and unrest too of course but my biggest worry is that it’s all going too quickly – again! xx
Hectic I think is the word that sums our summer up so far and that is not what I had planned. Luckily I’ve managed to squeeze in a couple of chill out days and just let the twins get on with whatever they want (singing Let it go! at the top of their voices in the back garden seems to be the 2014 trend)
The worst thing is I know it’ll all be over again way too soon, I need to stop time
Ours is nothing like I thought it might be in my head, but we did make a spa one day out of the blue which could def be on pinterest 😉 I also fell in love with a potions kitchen at Camp Bestival and want to make one, love your cardboard one, very inspiring!
This summer’s been a bit different for us because I’m at work three days a week so we’re really making the most of the rest of the time we have together. I love summer! xx