This time last year I remember a lot of rain, pretty much from half term till the summer holidays it rained non stop. Sports day was cancelled three times! I guess that’s a British summer.
We really wanted to sort out the garden, and put a lot of effort into making it look good for H’s birthday party which is a tough task when neither of us particulary like to garden, but we just about managed it and had lovely grass, flowerbeds and a tidy patio just in time for her ladybird party.
This year we’ve given up on the garden and have turned to home improvements instead. We, and when I say ‘we’ I actually mean my husband, are working our way around the house painting it. So far we’ve done, one bathroom, the playroom and Z’s room. It’s amazing what a difference a bit of paint makes. I’ve also spotted Rob checking out a range of showers so have a sneaky feeling he has bigger plans that just painting. Ever since I’ve known him he has dreamed of a big wet room, but I’m not sure we could manage one in this house, maybe when we move, if we ever move….I keep checking out RightMove, dreaming of the big houses with the massive gardens…one day we might get there right?
My ideal house would have a huge garden full of lovely trees and be in the middle of nowhere, but walking distance to a school, I might struggle with that, I suppose. I’d also love a utility room, and lots of storage, so everything could be hidden away. Our current house has literally no storage which is madness when you think about it, although I can’t complain too much as the rooms are lovely and big.
Anyway, for now I will give up dreaming and maybe help with the painting.
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How cool would a wet room be? Mind you my kids would never want to get out the shower. Pretty sure we painted lots of the house when we nearly sold it last year, you wouldn’t tell a year on – kids aghhhh!