When I was pregnant with baby number two, we didn’t really explain to Z who was 18 months what was going to happen. He seemed a bit young to understand and I didn’t want to worry him. So, one day when he woke up to the cries of a new baby it was probably a bit of a shock. He seemed to handle it all very well though, and called her ‘peas’ for quite a long time. We still don’t know why.
When I was pregnant with baby sister number two, we thought we should tell them properly. Z politely asked if he could have a brother instead and then asked for more toast. All was well. As time went on he would ask when the baby was going to ‘Pop Out’, but still didn’t really show much interest.
Yesterday I found him with a doll up his T shirt. ‘Look Mummy’ he said. ‘My baby is going to pop out of my mouth’.
Hmmmm I thought. Should I just let it go? I had visions of him being 15 and still thinking babies popped out of mouths, so said ‘Actually babies pop out of Mummy’s bums’. He tipped his head to one side and said ‘Urgghhhh you mean they come out covered in poo?’.
Poor baby H has been called poo poo ever since!
Classic – I have a feeling this nickname may stick! Love the image of him with a doll up his top, one to embarrass him with when he’s older.
It was funny. He hasn’t really understood differences between boys and girls yet!
Very funny! That last picture is adorable! Emma 🙂
Thanks x
That is so funny! Just love it. Can’t wait to see what mine make of number four…when we decide to have number 4! x
Ha ha . I thought you were making an announcement then!
I had my third child at home with my six year old and three year old fully involved in the whole process. Some people thought I was mad but the whole thing was a totally lovely experience (visiting from BYOBH)
Lovely picture. I wonder how it will go explaining to baby H why she is called Poo Poo – if indeed it continues to stick.
Very cute!! My nephew thinks that too. He actually corrected me when I tried to tell him babies come from hospitals.
How cute- and they are all so gorgeous! I love how the minds of little ones work! And yes definitely something to remind him of when he is 18! Hope your having fun this evening drinking cocktails! x
that’s brilliant. My childminder told my 3yo that the baby is going to ‘pop out.’ I’ve chosen to avoid the subject so far but maybe he thinks she’ll come out of my mouth too…now I’m wondering!
LOL! I told my almost 4 year old that babies came out of mummy’s bottoms, and she wanted to know was it the from the wee bit or the poo bit. When I told her it was a ‘special’ hole, she begged for weeks to see it. These conversations would always start in the most public places, and I was regularly embarrassed until I thought to tell her the hole only appears when the baby is born.
Now she’s 9, she knows the real story and keeps asking me even more involved questions, but much more quietly and ‘in secret.