>I know we are all complaining about the price of everything from petrol to bread in this country at the moment, but today I am feeling blessed to live in a country with such brilliant healthcare.
Baby H was like a little heater, hotter than I've ever felt a child be, so I called the doctors at 230pm yesterday afternoon and managed to get an appointment at 330pm. We were seen by the GP by 4pm and sent straight to A and E. Now if we ignore the fact that I had to ask for Nurofen and a drink for her, refuse an x-ray that in my opinion was pointless, the frankly quite dirty environment and the 6 hours to find an inflamed tonsil the whole experience, though obviously not one I want to repeat was not actually too bad. There can't be many places in the world where you can get help so quickly.
Seeing my baby girl with two bandaged hands from blood tests, curled up in a hot little heap on a bed was awful and my heart goes out to parents of poorly children. I don't know how they cope.
So today I am feeling lucky. Lucky to live in a great country and lucky to have 3 healthy, gorgeous children.
In fact I'm feeling so lucky that so far today:
I haven't minded too much that S sprayed her milk all over the sofa ( which come to think of it I still haven't cleaned up).
I didn't mind taking all three kids out in the car just to post a parcel. It was actually quite fun and I learned that Z wants to visit ALL the parks this weekend, and S is scared of the big park. I didn't even mind having to bribe them to be good in the post office with mini eggs
( carrot sticks were offered and promptly declined ).
I don't even mind the mass of ripped up paper, foil flowers and pritt stick currently covering the playroom floor.
I quite enjoyed rescuing a spider and putting him outside to be with his friends at the request of S.
I didn't mind taking Z out dressed like this. Yes, that is a scarf, and those are sandals with socks. He gets his fashion sense from his Dad. sorry for the rubbish photo, I was as usual in a rush.
So today for me is about feeling thankful and appreciative of doctors, nurses, good friends and of course fellow bloggers who have welcomed me into the community. Big high five here to Grumpinator and Fancy for mentioning me in their blogs today.
Thanks also to Mr Fleming for finding anti-biotics.
>I actually think the NHS is quite good, well they are at my hospital!! I have never had any problems at all! You gotta love Mr Fleming! x
>You're right – the NHS has it's issues but it's an incredible service. I live in Ireland and you have to pay 50 quid each time you go to the doctors – which means you often leave it to the last minute and then beat yourself up that you let them get so sick. Next time you take them straight away and after paying 50 quid the doctor tells you to go home and give them some calpol. Grrr.
>Mrs E – Yes they are Fab, especially the maternity services! I have had 3 brilliant experiences with my local midwifery unit.Kate – The £50 would definately stop me going to the doctor unless I really needed to :-).
>So much rubbish gets talked about the NHS, but my experiences are usually incredibly positive. I am always touched at the service ethic and the dedication to duty that the NHS staff wear on their sleeves. They delivered my babies, and then rescued my babies from poisonous plants and calpol over-indulgence – just to name a few reasons I owe them one. Lovely to find your blog via a very fancy intro, now following :)~M
>Good thought provoking post! It's true people are too quick to moan (and I know there is a lot to moan about!). It's nice to know that the help is there, I can't imagine having to weigh up paying.I work for the NHS so I have plenty of gripes but we would all be lost without it…Am now following you 🙂
>I think the NHS definitely has good and bad points. To have a service 24/7 is a wonderful thing for us in this country and we do often expect too much. But, on the downside, the government do provide this service and they are constantly trying to make these cuts which isn't helping anyone, staff or patients. I've heard so many horror stories but haven't experienced any myself. I spent time in hospital last year with my epilepsy and it wasn't fantastic, I have to admit. I needed tests and they were quite happy to make me wait 6 months just for an MRI and ECG, which I couldn't afford mentally or physically to do. So I went private, had the tests 2 consultant's appointments and a re-diagnosis within 7 days. That would have taken the NHS at last 6-8 months to do which I think is appalling.CJ xx
>Really thought provoking post, I have had both excellent and shockingly bad experiences on the NHS. Am now following you!Love S.A.Mhttp://superamazingmum.blogspot.com
>in my experience nhs has been really really good, but i also know how bad it can be… but then nothing is perfect, impossible.love the 'don't minds' list – a scare puts things in perspective…hope you are enjoying the blogging – you seem well in your stride! x
>Thanks for the comments everyone. Its lovely to know that people found it interesting.Elsie – I am loving it! Its been a steep learning curve but I'm getting there slowly! xx
Glad all is well! I will admit that even Fancy here has used the NHS on occasion…think my own country is pathetic and needs to get a move on…